• Joost de Bie


This website displays my artwork and acquaints you with my vision of art and art instruction.  The artwork is for sale (unless otherwise mentioned).  Commissioning art is possible

1962 born in Baarn
1984 – 1989 studied  painting and drawing at the
Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam
1996 – 1998 studied classical painting under Henk Huig
 2001 – present day teacher at Wackers Academy in Amsterdam

I work in different techniques including; watercolors, drawing and oil paint.

The wonderment of nature is an inspiration which is more powerful than idea or fantasy.  It is always the imagination towards observations that allows to see what there really is.  Returning themes in the work are flora, trees, flowers and plants and more and more the landscape.

What the eye sees is reproduced as direct as possible.  Moreover the work is characterized for its attention to details.  Wherein; softness, tenderness and vulnerability are the core values in my work

Art is an eminent form that cannot be conquered without making mistakes.  Adjusting these mistakes: surprises, and only then is growth and unparalleled results attainable.  This along with personal attention summaries my teaching  methods. ‘You didn’t know that you had it in you.’

Joost de Bie, 2018

News (in Dutch)

Toch nog een aquarelweek in de Provence eind augustus 2020

De grenzen zijn weer open schrijf je snel in info https://mailchi.mp/bf129fd3f842/aquarelweek-lablache-3691365?e=e92eefbb3f




Oil paint


